Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wrong side of the bed...

So, today is just another day in paradise. I woke up this morning in a bad mood. Well, I can't really say it was bad, just not my normal self. I was more sad I think than anything.

I'm not sure if I still have pregnancy hormones running through my body or not, but it sure as hell feels like it. My husband can attest to the mood swings.

I hope that he remembers that Pastor Gary said, "In good times and bad and in sickness and in health." This would be the "bad" and the "sickness" part. Ahhh, my poor husband. I'm sure he questions himself two or three times a week about whether or not he made the right decision. Of course we all know he made the right decision.

This miscarriage has been really hard for both of us. During the whole process it seemed like I was the one who was most affected. Mostly because our baby was in my body. But then I realized that he experienced a loss as well. Maybe a double loss, not only the loss of our baby but the loss of being involved in the whole experience. I guess I'll have to ask him if I really want to know how he felt.....Nah! LOL

So, we are just taking it one day at a time. I never really understood that saying, because even if you wanted to take it three or four days at a time you couldn't. Wouldn't that be nice if you were eagerly anticipating a certain date? One of those dates would NOT be April 15th.

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